The Development Application is currently on public exhibition, and you can write a submission to North Sydney Council now. Typically, people support proposals quietly and object to proposals loudly. Let’s change that. Submissions can be written in support of a proposal and, if required, include suggested changes or areas of special concern.

To show your support for the proposal, please make a submission here.


Welcome to the project website for Coles’ proposal for a world class retail offering in the heart of Neutral Bay.

Planning for the redevelopment of the Grosvenor Street location is in the early phases. The process of planning and redeveloping the site will take time, subject to planning permissions.

We are excited to build strong relationships with the Neutral Bay community to secure the best outcome for local businesses and the local community in the heart of Neutral Bay Village.


We are excited about Coles’ proposal for a world class retail offering in the heart of Neutral Bay, and from speaking with members of the community throughout our planning, we know many of you are too.

Willoughby Bay Precinct is in support of DA 258/23 and in particular supports:

  • provision of a landscaped public open space in place of the current Grosvenor Lane carpark
  • the undergrounding of public car parking in an integrated retail / public car park with an additional ~90 spaces over existing parking provision, a vehicular entrance from Grosvenor Street and with travelator and lift delivering people to a colonnade outside the supermarket
  • terracing of the built form to allow mid-winter sunlight to the public open space and setback of the topmost level from Grosvenor Street to reduce apparent bulk and scale
  • location of the supermarket at the level of the public open space to encourage patronage of local shops
  • location of the loading dock in a basement level with entry and exit in a forward motion
  • separate entry to the residential parking from Cooper Lane
  • respect for existing levels and provision of an integrated pedestrianised laneway for vehicles to service properties on the southern side of the Grosvenor Lane carpark
  • provision of a meeting room on the first floor accessible by lift and open stair for use by the community and the residents of the development
  • provision of a stair from the carpark to the public open space in addition to travelator and lift
  • provision of retail outlets activating the frontage to the public open space, and glazing and cafe to the eastern (Waters Lane) frontage
  • greater setback to Waters Lane than Cooper Lane and treatment of Waters Lane to make it a pedestrianised space.

– Willoughby Bay Precinct, 12 October 2023

“The Coles proposal resembles the existing scheme and appears to be attempting to cater to the preferences of all stakeholders”

– Neutral Bay Alive Community Consultation Group, 12 September 2023 (source)


In November 2024 the Woolworths lease expires. Woolworths will be vacating the existing supermarket. This presents Coles with two choices:

  1. Refurbish the existing store under the Complying Development Certificate regime to largely maintain the current situation, or
  2. Redevelop the site to deliver a world class supermarket as part of a vibrant retail precinct.

We are currently pursuing the redevelopment option that would provide Coles and Council the opportunity to deliver a revitalised town centre, along with 72 private residential units.

In August 2023, the Project Team shared a pre-lodgment presentation of the proposal with various representatives of surrounding precinct committees. To view the presentation, click here

We have lodged the Development Application with North Sydney Council. Council has placed the DA on public exhibition (DA 258/23).

The proposal for a revitalised town centre features:

  • a world-class Coles supermarket
  • six levels of residential dwellings above the supermarket equating to 72 apartments (a mix of one, two, three and four-bedroom units)
  • increased customer parking with a total of over 250 public parking spaces (approximately 90 additional parking spaces to the existing conditions)
  • a new town plaza (the design of which is to be determined by Council)
  • relocated underground loading docks
  • improved access, amenity, safety and functionality of the car parking arrangements.

The proposed redevelopment will complement local businesses and traders, drawing customers to the precinct with convenient pedestrian access and parking for cars.


Solar Access: Making the public plaza possible

It has long been a strategic objective of Council to deliver a public plaza as a heart for Neutral Bay. We now have a chance to bring this to life. The proposal has the potential to be a cornerstone in Council’s 2014 vision for a Neutral Bay Town Plaza, delivered by Coles.

As shown in the Development Application, the design has prioritised solar access (natural light) to the plaza to optimise amenity and make it a place people want to be. The desirable solar access is made possible by redistributing some of the floorspace from the southern part of the site to other areas of the site.

The distribution of floorspace away from the southern part of the site protects the viability of the project and ensures the full public benefit of the plaza can be realised.

To achieve this, the required floorspace exceeds the height standard towards the central and northern parts of the site. In Council’s 2014 Vision for the Neutral Bay Town Plaza, the need to accommodate building height away from the southern end of the site was acknowledged.

Increased sunlight in plaza

Neutral Bay Town Centre Plaza Sunlight

Staging: Delivering a successful precinct and being a good neighbour

We have collected feedback from North Sydney Council, the Neutral Bay Chamber of Commerce, local retailers, and community members about the best way to deliver the proposed redevelopment. Stakeholders have emphasised the need for ongoing access and car parking for local retailers during the construction phase.

To maintain access and provide car parking, the project will be delivered in stages, subject to approval:

Stage 1: Demolition of the existing Woolworths building and excavation. Construction of a supermarket, residential units, loading dock and community centre. Total available parking spaces: 67-77 on the Council car park

Stage 2: Close the existing Council Car Park (approx. 59 cars). Excavation of Council Car Park, creation of public car parking, creation of a pubic plaza and parking on the Council land. Continue with Residential construction. Total available parking spaces: 248 (33 on the Council car park and 182 spaces in the new basement car park)

Stage 3: Open the 78 car spaces under the plaza at B1 & B2 for a total of more than 260 pubic car spaces. Construction of eastern plaza. Continue with Residential construction. 267 available basement parking spaces

Stage 4: Fit out of residential apartments and Community Centre. 285 available parking spaces: 267 basement and 18 at plaza level

The staging plans all provide access and loading to the southern businesses during construction. Each has a loading route generally entering from Waters Lane or Grosvenor Lane and exiting via Waters Lane to Waters Road.

Parking: Delivering better car parking beyond construction

A key feature of the proposal is the delivery of over 250 public car parks to generate growth. This is an increase of 90+ car spots. The delivery of more and better parking options will enhance future business and visitation to the Neutral Bay Town Centre.

Parking Spaces


The planning process includes several steps and there are opportunities throughout the process for you to review the proposal and make comment.

Members of the community can make formal submissions to Council when the DA is placed on exhibition, as shown in the Planning Pathway diagram.

At all other times throughout the planning process, the Project Team welcome your feedback here.

Neutral Bay Town Centre Plaza Planning Process

You can view the Development Application online via Council’s Application Tracker.

For information about providing comment to Council on the DA, visit Council’s website.


What is proposed?

We are proposing a revitalised town centre that features:

  • a world-class Coles supermarket
  • increased customer car parking (approximately 90 additional parking spaces)
  • a new town plaza that brings Council’s 2014 vision to life
  • 72 private residential units
  • relocated loading dock infrastructure
  • improved amenity, safety and functionality of the current car park

How many residential apartments are proposed as part of the redevelopment?

The proposal is for up six levels of residential units above the supermarket, totalling 72 units and including a mix of one, two, three and four-bedroom apartments.

Why is Coles seeking to redevelop more than just the existing supermarket, and why does the Development Application include council land?

The short answer is to deliver a precinct with higher social and economic value for Neutral Bay. The proposal includes council land in order to offer more parking and a plaza – making it a destination that’s easier for people to access by car and on foot, and a place people want to stay longer. The improved convenience and elevated amenity will provide a boost to surrounding businesses, revitalising the area and making it the heart of Neutral Bay.

This proposal for the plaza aligns with Council’s vision for Neutral Bay’s Town Plaza, established in 2014.

By allowing Coles to lodge a DA for Council land, Council has not automatically guaranteed a green light or Development Approval. It just indicates a willingness from Council to review Coles’ proposal for the plaza and parking improvements, alongside the upgrade to the supermarket, in the interest of optimal public space and local business outcomes.

What is the plan for the proposed public plaza?

The final design of the proposed public plaza will be determined by North Sydney Council. The plaza is intended to be a public asset owned and maintained by the Council.

We have been engaging with various stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations for the plaza. We recognize some stakeholders favour open space and greenery and other groups prioritise access and parking for local retailers.

We have proposed a concept that seeks to balance the different priorities, and includes green space, open space, pedestrian, and vehicle shared zones that will provide loading, access and short-stay parking.

We also note the importance of the plaza space to be flexible and adaptable, being able to transform at different times of the day or week. Early mornings the plaza may provide vehicle access for loading and on weekends it may transition into a non-trafficable space to facilitate a farmers’ market or community events.

Who is the planning authority?

Sydney North Planning Panel are the planning authority. The economic scale of the project requires the Development Application to be assessed by the relevant District Panel (Sydney North Planning Panel).

North Sydney Council are also closely involved in the assessment of the proposal.

What is the role of North Sydney Council?

Council has two distinct roles, kept separate through rigorous probity mechanisms managed by Council. One role is in the planning review and approvals, and the other is as a landowner with commercial interests. These two roles are separate.

Why is Coles proposing to redevelop beyond the supermarket, including the Council owned car park?

We are committed to the planning and delivery of a highly successful precinct. To plan for the precinct, the proposal must extend beyond the supermarket.

The proposed redevelopment will complement local businesses and traders, drawing customers to the precinct with convenient pedestrian access and parking for cars.

How will parking and access impacts be managed? There are businesses operating near the existing supermarket and their customers rely on easy-to-access parking spaces.

We are seeking to redevelop the Grosvenor Lane site in a way that uplifts the area and draws customers to surrounding businesses. Parking and access modifications will create a smoother experience for locals.

During the construction phase, we understand that local traders need on-going customer parking and access. We are preparing a staging and access plan and will consult with local traders on the details.

We’re pursuing an approach that strikes a balance between mitigating the construction impacts, reducing disruption and efficiently delivering the redevelopment for Neutral Bay in the shortest possible timeframe. Our preliminary staging plans indicate an average of 85 per cent of parking will be available throughout construction, with no less that 60 per cent at any time.

Has the proposal received planning permission?

No. The proposal is in the early stages of the planning process.

When will Coles lodge the Preliminary Development Application?

Coles lodged a Development Application with North Sydney Council in August 2023.

How can the community have a say about what happens in this location?

We have lodged the Development Application with North Sydney Council. Council has placed the DA on public exhibition.

You can view the Development Application online via Council’s Application Tracker.

For information about providing comment to Council on the DA, visit Council’s website.

You can share your thoughts with the project team here.

Who is delivering the project, subject to planning approvals?

Coles are the proponent. Coles have partnered with Titanium Property Investment to support the planning and delivery of the precinct-wide vision.

I’ve seen a version of the underground parking diagram that does not match the information on this website and in the DA. Does the proposal include underground parking that will be available to the public or will it be exclusively for Coles shoppers?

Unfortunately, the project team have been made aware that a drawing from the Development Application has been doctored and circulated by members of the community. The doctored image does not show two levels of public parking (level B1 and B2). The doctored drawing does not represent our proposal. For accurate information, view the details on this website and DA 258/23 via the North Sydney Council DA tracker to understand what is being proposed.

You can view the Development Application online via Council’s Application Tracker

For information about providing comment to Council on the DA, visit Council’s website


Do you have a question about the proposal that’s not answered on this page? You can share your thoughts with the project team here.

We have lodged the Development Application with North Sydney Council. Council has placed the DA on public exhibition. You can view the Development Application online via Council’s Application Tracker. For information about providing comment to Council on the DA, visit Council’s website.

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    Coles Group acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land we live and operate on.

    We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and acknowledge their continuing connection to waters, skies, seas and country.